A few interesting articles & sites from around the web

August 10, 2008

From Lifehack.org: 10 Unconventional Diet Tips. Includes weighing yourself daily, and easing up dietary restrictions on the weekends, which may or may not be a good idea.

Interesting from The Economist, my favorite news magazine: Cognition Nutrition: food for thought.  The usual fish and berries are probably good for you story. I know I need to include more vegetation in my diet, but the produce selection has been so drab this summer, near me. I had my first good tomato of the season today. What about your local selection?

An interesting site: Zeer. You can look up labels from packaged foods from your computer and comment on them on this website. Not sure how useful, because in the end, processed crap is processed crap no matter what you have to say about it.

I’ve added some new blogs and resources, take a look.  Know about any interesting sites? Let me in on it.